echo 'digraph { "Clare" -> "Priscilla" [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Teresa of the Faint Smile" -> "Priscilla" [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Isley" -> "Priscilla" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Raki" -> "Priscilla" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Helen" -> "Clare" [taillabel = "Teammate of"] "Miria" -> "Clare" [taillabel = "Teammate of"] "Deneve" -> "Clare" [taillabel = "Teammate of"] "Raki" -> "Clare" [taillabel = "Best friend of"] "Teresa of the Faint Smile" -> "Clare" [taillabel = "Best friend of"] "Jean" -> "Clare" [taillabel = "Best friend of"] "Irene" -> "Clare" [taillabel = "Student of"] "Priscilla" -> "Clare" [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Riful" -> "Clare" [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Clare" -> "Raki" [taillabel = "Best friend of"] "Priscilla" -> "Raki" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Isley" -> "Raki" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Clare" -> "Teresa of the Faint Smile" [taillabel = "Best friend of"] "Priscilla" -> "Teresa of the Faint Smile" [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Irene" -> "Teresa of the Faint Smile" [taillabel = "Rival of"] "Raki" -> "Isley" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Priscilla" -> "Isley" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Riful" -> "Isley" [taillabel = "Rival of"] "Rigaldo" -> "Isley" [taillabel = "Master of"] }' | dot -Tsvg > output.svg