echo 'digraph { "Hashirama Senju" -> "Yamato" [taillabel = "clone of"] "Orochimaru" -> "Yamato" [taillabel = "a "lab rats"/sworn enemy"] "Tsunade" -> "Orochimaru" [taillabel = "Former teammate of"] "Hiruzen Sarutobi" -> "Orochimaru" [taillabel = "Former Disciple of"] "Jiraiya" -> "Orochimaru" [taillabel = "Former teammate of"] "Mitsuki" -> "Orochimaru" [taillabel = "Father of"] "Tobirama Senju" -> "Orochimaru" [taillabel = " "favorite" former hokage"] "Yamato" -> "Orochimaru" [taillabel = "one of his "little lab rats""] "Hanzo of the Salamander" -> "Orochimaru" [taillabel = "survival fight against"] "Mitsuki" -> "Orochimaru" [taillabel = "Genetic Template of"] "Tsunade" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "Grandfather of"] "Tobirama Senju" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "Older Brother of"] "Nawaki" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "Grandfather of"] "Madara Uchiha" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Mito Uzumaki" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "Husband of"] "Asura Otsutsuki" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "reincarnation of"] "Ishikawa" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "held the first meeting of the kages with"] "Byakuren" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "held the first meeting of the kages with"] "Zetsu" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "Genetic Template of"] "Yamato" -> "Hashirama Senju" [taillabel = "Genetic Template of"] }' | dot -Tsvg > output.svg