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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

I’ll start with the obvious, Blue Gender is an anime that posses 2 classic anime clichés: the male lead, Yuji, is a loud, naive, winy, windbag; and the female lead Marlene, is young, strong, very attractive, and has more cojones than a whole futball team, which is awesome! The entire plot set up of the series is explained in the first 2 episodes, so if one doesn’t start there, they’ll be rather lost.
The music isn’t bad, The dialog lines up, the script is very accurate, and despite the fact that most of the action sequences take place involving the Armor Shrikes(large Mechs or Armored Core robotic weapon platforms), they’re quite un-lame. The plot isn’t that bad, in spite the major misnomer: ‘The B Cells’ or the B cell virus possessed by the sleepers. 5th grade biology tells us that B-cells a white blood cells that produce antibodies, not a dormant source of genetic alterations. Murphy’s Law is also in full effect for the first half of the show.
I feel remised to not mention the 100min feature film ‘Blue Gender’ which is essentially a stripped down version of the plot of the show, with one caviot: when Yuji wakes up, he looks like this, a reject from an 80’s hair band (plus a different ending). All that aside, the excessive blood shed, brief nudity(unless you count the ending credits), and comic relief of Dice make this anime so-so background noise worthy, I’d rate it a 3.2.

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