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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Go Nagai’s Devilman Lady manga series differs greatly form the anime. He has a major fixation whit the eyes in both plot and imagery, adding a poetic quality, which is rare for anime. Combine this with Go Nagai’s imagination having a sense of realism. Except for the altered transformations and Devil Beast forms, all the characters have realistic proportions. These 2 factors prove that the Devil Lady series is a rare gem indeed, that is, until you watch it.
The dubbed audio (in EN, one out of the 6 languages it was released), is slightly misaligned, poorly scripted, and poorly read for most characters. I’d be remised if I neglected to mention my most hated plot point: the ‘Giga Effect’ much like Sailor Moon, Gurren Lagann, and other animes in which all the main characters need to do to conquer a vastly superior foe to grit their teeth, bare down hard, get angry, and.. poof! new power and strength! It’s a lazy tool of bad writing.
Officially, Devil Lady is listed in the genre of Yuri, this is both true and misleading. It’s primarily an emotional component between Jun and other characters, because the moment a kiss is shared, a death soon follows.
Now to end this on a high note, the duality of Jun fighting both to protect mankind and the ones she holds dear, while she struggles to hold on to her humanity... is subtle, and sucks you in as you start to really feel for poor Jun.
That being said, I’d rate Devil Lady, with violence, brief nudity, and mild language, a 2.6 (out of 10): Not quite worthy of background noise, but it can suck you in.

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