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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama Mar 8, 2024 | RinaK
We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Akira Toriyama.

It is sad witness the loss of such a legendary creator in this industry. He will be missed by family and countless fans.

Rest well, Akira Toriyama. Your work will be forever eternalized in our minds and hearts.



I can safely say Akira Toriyama's works changed the lives of an entire continent, Latin America will be mourning.

I still remember running fast from school to watch Dragon Ball Z on tv, immitating the kamehameha with my family, drawing a Goku mural with my cousin... Such a transformative work will live on forever.
We will always remember you.

- RinaK


It's a sad day today learning of the passing of Akira Toriyama, creator of Dragon Ball and inspiration of so much great anime. He will live on for many of us in fond childhood memories.

My own being drunk friends doing the fusion dance.

- Rei
Series Characters by Tag Mar 2, 2024 | Rei
While looking at a list of characters in Frieren I was thinking wouldn't it be cool to see these characters grouped. Such as Mages, Demons, etc.

Thus I have created a view characters by tags tool.

You can access this data from any series by clicking the Tags link in the characters menu:


Over one million users in the last 30 days Feb 27, 2024 | Rei
Today we hit a significant milestone with over 1,000,000 visitors in the past 30 days.


It'll be a dream come true to keep seeing these numbers grow from here. ACDB is a site people around the world have found a use for. And yet there are still billions that have never heard of us. Up until last month nearly all our traffic came from search engines. An increase in referrals massively increased out direct and referral traffic this month.

If more people shared the site with friends and fans online, we could see a million visitors a day!


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