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Updates Sep 22, 2015 | Rei
I've been working on securing ACDB this week.

We serve about 1,000,000 pages everyday, yet how many of those are being served to people ? Maybe 200,000 or as high as 500,000.

But what about the other 500,000 ?

Various kinds of bots routinely drain our bandwidth and system resources. While most are harmless, some are seriously bad dudes up to no good!

- spammers ( posting advertisements )
- scrappers ( downloading pages and images )
- scripters ( cheating at treasure hutning )
- scanners ( looking for vulnerabilities )

While I have to tolerate much of this, and I do ban anything I notice, I felt it was time to implement a system that can automatically detect some forms of abuse and do something about it while it's happening.

Unsophisticated abuse of ACDB will be detected and stopped automatically.

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