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Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie Episode 1 Quotes Apr 20, 2021 | Rei
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Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie


See how well you know the characters by playing a Quote Trivia game.

This movie came out after 600 episodes of Naruto, and luckily has quotes for a really good number of the main cast.

Although .... some of the quotes, the character's personalities are totally different from their norm.

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Kickstarter campaign for a Gaia anthology

Webcomics “Sandra and Woo” and “Gaia”

Gaia is a high fantasy comic written by the German author Oliver Knörzer (Novil) and drawn by the Indonesian artist Puri Andini (Powree).

The story follows a group of graduates of a magic academy who try to save their friend Lilith, an enchanting and amazingly talented wizard, from execution after she was falsely accused of murder. On their quest, the heroes cross paths with Viviana, a master thief who may be able to help them. But neither Lilith nor Viviana is quite what she seemed at first, and they soon face dark forces that move kings like pawns on a chessboard.

Gaia was inspired by role playing games such as Baldur’s Gate and Final Fantasy. The comic has been praised for its complex story, the original setting, which incorporates some science fiction elements, and the smart and charismatic female characters.

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